Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Not a creature was stirring....

Except for my three kids at 1 o'clock in the morning...

I could hear Cayla get up and shuffle her feet off into to the living room. We had left the tree lights on and Santa had come and delivered the kids' gifts and eaten the cookies. When Cayla saw the tree I could hear her startled breath. She quickly ran to get Genesis. Genesis, being the ring leader of the crew, quickly ran into the room and let out a shreek. Her and Cayla quickly ran into Jacob's room to wake the boy. He joined the parade that ran into the living room. I could hear the shuffling of feet and the whispering of little voices as they surveyed the presents that Santa had brought.

From my bed, I called out to the kids and said, "If you don't go back to bed, it all goes away." Startled, the curious three trampled over each other to make it back to their rooms letting out giggles and whisphers the whole way.

And that ladies and gentlemen is how our Christmas began....

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