Monday, October 24, 2005

The Joys of carpel Tunnel

Having a damaged carpal tunnel is not very fun!

About two weeks ago, while helping my buddy CC with his Halloween decorations, I felt a twinge in my right hand. At first, I paid no attention. But after a while, my hand began to cramp up and I lost the ability to use my pointing finger and thumb - plus the pain was tremendous.

I went home that night and woke up with the pain getting worse. I called my doctor and he told me that I need to be check out. So I went to a neurosurgeon. He hooked me up to this machine and basically shocked the crap out of my arm for about 30 minutes. Everytime he pushed the button my whole body would jump! After my electro-shock therapy, he tells me that I have damage to my carpal tunnel and prescribes me prednisone. Prednisone is a steroid used to reduce inflammation. The bad side of pred is that it makes you moody and hungry. I have been taking the pred for the past two weeks and I have been eating non-stop. I think I have gained at least 5-10 pounds. Thank God yesterday was my last day and I am not going to take this stuff every again. Pain be dammed!